English Breakfast
mit Angeline Fischer
Scheduled on
Mittwoch | 10:00 | 11:00 | |
Samstag | 11:00 | 12:00 |
Tagged as Kultur, Talk-radio
Der perfekte Start in den Tag mit dem Aroma von English Breakfat auf radiofips: eine Sendung für interkulturell und international interessierte Hörer in Göppingen und Umgebung. Wir stellen Gäste vor, die an lokalen Geschehnissen interessiert sind und Erfahrungen aus aller Welt einbringen. Das Programm ist moderiert in Englisch bietet aber auch einige deutsche “Geschmacksnoten”
As member of Stadtverband Kultur Göppingen we take the pledge from the "die Vielen"
Take care and best wishes. Angeline ♥
Christopher Wittkopp – actor and artistic director of Come Together Theater Campus
Christopher ist unteranderem Schauspieler, Performer und liest bei Literally Peace Texte junger Autor*innen aus Syrien und Deutschland. Seit 2021 trägt er zudem die künstlerische Leitung des „Come Together – Campus“ der Staufer Festspiele Göppingen. 🎙️ 🎭✨
Wir haben über seine vielseitige Arbeit gesprochen, seinen spannenden Werdegang und den Gewinn des Karl-Mommer-Preises 🏆 Auch das Thema Interkulturalität kam nicht zu kurz. 🌍
Zudem haben wir spannende Einblicke in den Come Together – Campus bekommen: 💡👥
Hört rein und erfahrt mehr über Christopher und seine inspirierende Arbeit! 🎙️
Christopher is not only an actor and performer but also reads texts by young authors from Syria and Germany as part of Literally Peace. Since 2021, he has also been the artistic director of the „Come Together – Campus“ at the Staufer Festspiele Göppingen.
We talked about his diverse work, his exciting career path, and winning the Karl-Mommer Award 🏆 . Of course interculturality is also part of our discussion. 🌍
Insights into the Come Together – Campus: What makes this project so unique? What values does it convey? What are the highlights? And how does the amazing team work together? 💡👥
Tune in to learn more about Christopher and his inspiring work! 🎙️
Come Together Theater Campus here
Happy New Year 2025!
📚✨ After two weeks of reflecting on the highlights and lessons of 2024, we’re ready to turn our gaze toward the future! ✨📷
Lisa, Michelle, and I have gathered around to prepare for one of our favorite traditions: creating vision boards for 2025. 🌟🎨
As we sip our tea 🍵, we dream about what we hope to bring into the new year—our aspirations, goals, and heartfelt wishes. 💫📖 It’s a creative and inspiring way to set the tone for the months ahead.
We also take a moment to explore how New Year’s celebrations unfold around the globe. 🌍🎇 From the vibrant traditions in Spain, Italy, and Germany to my very own in Canada, it’s fascinating to see the unique ways people welcome a fresh start. 🥂📷
Beyond January 1st, we honor other significant celebrations, like the Lunar New Year 🐍🌸—this year marking the Year of the Snake, which begins on January 29th and symbolizes shedding the old and the arrival of spring. 🌷✨ We also look forward to the Persian New Year, or Nowruz, celebrated in March, bringing with it themes of renewal and hope. 🌱💫
🎙️📖 Thank you to all of our listeners throughout the year! Here’s to fresh beginnings and a bright 2025 ahead! 🎉✨📷
Winter Special
In the upcoming weeks, our English Breakfast team has come up with something special! 🎉✨ A Mitmach-Aktion featuring 12 journal prompts in Week 1 and another 12 brand-new prompts in Week 2—that’s 24 prompts in total, just like an advent calendar to close out the year. 🎄🖊️
Together, we’ll reflect on our personal journeys in 2024, express gratitude, and look ahead. 🌟💭 Join us for this cozy and thoughtful experience! Grab a hot drink ☕, a pen 🖊️, and some paper 📄 as we dive into reflective questions paired with holiday tunes. 🎶
Let’s make these weeks extra meaningful—together. 💫
#EnglishBreakfastJournaling #MitmachAktion #Reflection2024 #Gratitude #HolidayVibes #AdventCalendar #CozyMoments #MindfulJournaling
angelines_studio on Instagram here
🎤 In this edition, we speak with the director of VHS Göppingen, Jürgen Morasch, who shares highlights from his career and reflections on cross-cultural encounters. The VHS (Volkshochschule) focuses on accessible and affordable adult education, offering community-oriented courses that span an incredibly diverse range of subjects. It’s an inclusive platform where people of all ages, educational backgrounds, and social standings can gain knowledge and skills to enrich their personal and professional lives. 💡📚 #LifelongLearning #CommunityEducationFrom media to journalism, theater, and even a stint in radio, Jürgen Morasch describes himself as a generalist—a modern-day Renaissance man fueled by curiosity. His passion for leading an institution like VHS, with its vast breadth of offerings, feels like a perfect match. 🎭📻 #Polymath #CuriosityDriven
VHS courses cover everything from language learning, vocational training, and IT to arts, health, culture, and civic education. They also promote social cohesion through programs like German language courses for immigrants and initiatives on intercultural understanding. As Jürgen puts it, VHS embodies the ethos of „each one teach one,“ fostering a culture of sharing and inclusion. 🌍🤝 #Integration #EachOneTeachOne ! ✨ #AccessibleLearning #InclusiveEducation Volkshochschule Göppingen here |
13. Frauenpolitischer Ratschlag
🎤 On this weeks show we follow the Göppingen delegation on their visit to the 13. Women’s Political Committe which took place on the Kassel University campus. Also, conduct interviews with many of the conferences international guests.
👉🏾 89.0 UKW in LK Göppingen
👉🏾 radiofips.de
MI 10 Uhr / SA 11 Uhr CET
✨ Save Nujin initiative: Learn about the powerful symbolism of Nujin’s bronze statue 🪑 with an empty chair, representing solidarity and resilience.
🤝 Solidarity Message: Ninve Ozgün, representing Bethnarin Women in the Diaspora, shares a message of unity. 🌍 Global Journeys: Bercin Üstün as moderator of the conference speaks of the reports of women from aroudn th world . 🇵🇸 Voices from Gaza: A Palestinian lawyer sheds light on the daily struggles of women in Gaza, where war disrupts basic rights and freedoms. ⚽ The journey of one of Afghanistan’s first national women’s soccer players and the harsh realities that women face, and living in exile. 💡 The Light Project: Discover how supporting artisans can improve the lifes of those in South Africa and other countries #InterculturalWeeks #FestivalDerVielfalt #GemeinsamFeiern #VielfaltErleben #KulturellerAustausch #MarktplatzEvent #Friedensfiere #StadtGöppingen #KulturVielfalt
#radiofips @radiofips #upcyling #teatimeradio #crosscultural
Intercultural Weeks Göppingen
🎤 On this weeks show the tables are turned. Lisa asks about the Intercultural Weeks on English Breakfast radio.
👉🏾 89.0 UKW in LK Göppingen
👉🏾 radiofips.de
MI 10 Uhr / SA 11 Uhr CET
We talk about code switching. About the motto „Neue Räume“ and some of the goals of the IKW Göppingen and its philosphy.
A 29 year tradition 🌍. The core period of the event series of over 25 events from book readings, to dance parties or workshops, film, concerts, performance and more runs in September and October. Already in November the first planning workshop will take place. Potentials cooperation partners are encouraged to join.
#InterculturalWeeks #FestivalDerVielfalt #GemeinsamFeiern #VielfaltErleben #KulturellerAustausch #MarktplatzEvent #Friedensfiere #StadtGöppingen #KulturVielfalt
#radiofips @radiofips #upcyling #teatimeradio #crosscultural
Erster Engagement-Markt Göppingen
In der English Breakfast-Sendung dreht sich alles um den Engagement-Markt in Göppingen. Göppingerinnen und Göppinger haben die Möglichkeit, sich über verschiedene Institutionen und deren Angebote für ehrenamtliches Engagement zu informieren. Unsere Moderatorin Lisa war direkt vor dem Rathaus und hat die Stände auf dem Marktplatz besucht, um Einblicke zu geben.
Hören Sie die Begrüßung von Frau Almut Cobet und erfahren Sie mehr über die folgenden Institutionen: Integrationsmanagement, VHS Göppingen, Interkulturelle Wochen, Familienpatenschaften, Freiwilligenagentur, Demokratie Leben!, Feuerwehr Göppingen, Grundschutz, Seniorenrat, Interkultureller Frauenrat, Ehrenamtsstiftung.
Lassen Sie sich inspirieren und erfahren Sie, wie Sie sich engagieren können!
Bürgerschaftliches Engagement here
Jugendgremium Göppingen / Youth representation in Göppingen
In dieser Ausgabe von English Breakfast ☕️ moderiert unsere Gastgeberin Lisa 🎤 die Show und interviewt den Sprecher Friso Fischer vom neu gegründeten Jugendgremium Göppingen 👥. Ihre Aktivitäten, die Jugendbeteiligung sowie bevorstehende Projekte 🎉 sind Teil ihres Gesprächs. #demokratie #jugendpartizipation #jugendgremium #jugendbeteiligung #haltungzeigen #jugendgemeinderat #goeppingen #goeppingerjugend #radiofips @jggoeppingen
Jugendgremium Insta here
Marisa Desales talks with us today about her upcycling art and the philosophy behind her creative process. Colorful and multifaceted, she takes discarded objects and transforms them into something new. From handbags to jewelry and sculptures, she draws inspiration particularly from her Mexican heritage, traditions, and respect for Mother Earth.
In the program, she also discusses her initial time coming to Europe with a scholarship to study Media and Communications in Spain. Shortly thereafter, she moved to Germany. Similary, although there were many barriers, she used this opportunity to teach others Spanish language cources. Spirituality, and the role of nature are also touched upon. Now an established artist in Göppingen, showcasing her work at her studio, Casa del Jaguar.
Göppingen feiert seinen ersten Interkulturellen Kreativ- und Kunstmarkt
Göppingen lädt herzlich zum ersten Interkulturellen Kreativ- und Kunstmarkt ein! Am 13. Juli wird der Kornhausplatz von 11:00 bis 19:00 Uhr in ein buntes Markttreiben voller kultureller Vielfalt und Kreativität verwandelt.
Es erwartet die Besucher ein breites Angebot an Kunsthandwerk aus aller Welt, präsentiert von lokalen Gruppen: Textilien, Schmuck, Kalligrafie, Ölmalerei, Upcycling-Kreationen und vieles mehr. Der Markt bietet auch die Möglichkeit, traditionelle Kleidung anzuprobieren und Kalligrafie auszuprobieren.
Ein besonderes Highlight ist das vielfältige Rahmenprogramm:
- 11:00 Uhr: Ukrainische Musik mit Maria Andriushchenko an der Bandura
- 17:00 Uhr: Kinderbuchlesung mit Bshare Khato
Zudem veranstaltet die Stadtbibliothek einen Bücherflohmarkt, und für das leibliche Wohl sorgen umliegende Gastronomiebetriebe mit Cocktails und Snacks.
Der Interkulturelle Kreativ- und Kunstmarkt ist eine Kooperation des Referats Kultur und Märkte, der Stadtbibliothek sowie verschiedener Kulturvereine und -gruppen. Das komplette Programm der Interkulturellen Wochen ist auf der städtischen Website verfügbar und wird an den üblichen Orten sowie im ipunkt ausgelegt.
School without Racism, School with Courage
Friso Fischer, Speaker of the Youth Council of Göppingen and Freihof, guides us through the program as he recalls an event where 3000 students participated, initiated by Kersten Stüven during the international weeks against racism. Under the umbrella motto „celebrate diversity,“ seven schools took part: Kaufmännische Schule Göppingen, Freihof-Gymnasium, Hohenstaufen-Gymnasium, Mörike-Gymnasium, POLIGENIUS Private Schule, Walther-Hensel-Schule, and Pestalozzischule. The Mayor, Alex Maier, gave an encouraging speech, and several actions, as well as music and dance, were all part of the successful event. #diversity #schuleohnerassismums #göppingenstadtdervielfalt 🌈🎉
Nature Freunde for Climate Justice
Mamadou Mbodji, VP of Nature Friends International, discusses climate justice, highlighting successful mangrove reforestation efforts in Senegal. The global North must address their responsibility for greenhouse gas emissions, while efforts in the South need support for mitigation. Global sustainability requires partnerships and personal responsibility. African countries face severe consequences like food scarcity and ecological disruptions despite minimal emissions. 🌍🌿🌱#climatejystice #naturfreunde #naturfreundejugend #naturfreundebw @naturfreunde_goeppingen
NaturFreunde Göppingen Webpage here
Spots for youth
Linda Rebmann-Musacchio & two inspiring students, David & Maxi, from WHG Werner-Heisenberg Gymnasium High School tell us about the project „spots“ Supported by the German Film Academy this project aims to reach youth, emphasizing the power of arts & culture in promoting democracy.
🤝 Collaboration: Teachers, film producers, Kunsthalle Göppingen, Staufer Kino & radiofips with English Breakfast
🎬 Students explored discrimination in films & got hands-on with microphones & tablets to create their own films on racism & democracy.
🎞️Films showcased in theaters under the motto: “Kinofest für Vielfalt und Demokratie. Kurzfilme schauen. Miteinander reden. Gemeinsam feiern.”
👏 Students engaged with director Julian Vogel, discussing “Die Einzeltäter,” shedding light on victims’ families of right-wing terrorist attacks.
🌍 Let’s keep championing diversity & democracy! #FilmEducation #CulturalEngagement #YouthEmpowerment 🎬🌟
Spots Webpage here
Spots Kurzfilme here
Support the Reader’s Irish Pub
🍀📚🎤 Samuel Kengeter and Nina Goldmann are my guests this week on English Breakfast. They discuss the formation of a cultural club and crowdfunding campaign to revive the local Irish Pub, now known as the Reader’s Irish Pub (Irisher Kulturverein Göppingen e.V.). @irish_pub_gp
The new concept is driven by the passion of old and new fans alike. Run by volunteers, this association is fueled by community spirit and dedication to preserving and celebrating Irish culture.
It’s not too late to support! Individual contributions make all the difference, through cash donations, vouchers, or even getting a plaque on the wall for a contribution of 500€.
Some of the exciting events planned include:
🎻 Open Irish Music Evenings
💃 Irish Set Dance (Folk Dance)
🎼 Dance and Music Workshops
🧠 Irish Pub Quiz
🎤 Karaoke with Irish Songs
📖 Lectures/Readings
🎉 Participation in local cultural events
🍳 Irish Breakfast
Support the today! 🍀 #SupportIrishPub #CommunitySpirit #IrishCulture
Webpage here
Bshare Khato
Bshare Khato, Jesidish from Iraq discusses his books and performances as well as journalistic work representing the community in the Kurmanji languag, poetry and teaching. 🦚
In Germany he has begun his studies to be an Erzieher (apprenticeship for kindergarten teacher) and founded a migrant community theater group.
#culturallyinterested #awarenessseakers #culturallycurious #realtalk #deeptalk #livedexperiences #blendedlearning #gettherealstory #radiofips #jeziden #eziden
Bshare on Instagram here
Piano meets Mbira
Zimbabwean artist Hope Masike and German pianist Andreas Kern unite in a unique intercultural project, supported by the German Embassy in Zimbabwe. They blend the classical piano with the traditional Mbira, a UNESCO-recognized instrument with a 1300-year history. Together, they create a mesmerizing fusion of cultures and melodies. 🌍🎶🎹🪕 #MusicCollaboration #Mbira #Piano
Piano meets Mbira on Instagram here
Vivas and Musical Plants
The project VIVAS! brings together composer Cassis B Staudt and sustainability development educator Linda Rebmann-Musacchio to create a cross-cultural performance centered around plants. 🌿🌿🌿 Targeted at young people from Buenos Aires, Argentina, and Göppingen, Germany, aged 15 to 25, the project aims to connect youth with nature and promote sustainability through experiential learning. ⚡🎶 Using biophysical sonification, participants will compose music from plants, translating it into a dance or movement performance, allowing them to directly experience nature and develop an appreciation for biodiversity and sustainable living.
Information regarding the upcoming workshop can be found on Instagram @vivas.act
Das interkulturelle Morgenmagazin mit Angeline Fischer mittwochs von 10:00 bis 11:00 Uhr und samstag
Epiz Viva Projekt Website here
Sompon Services Empowering African Dispora
Vera Sompon, founder of Sompon Socialservices Baden-Württemberg e.V. and lecturer at the University of Esslingen, arrived in Germany almost 20 years ago. Her personal encounters with racism fueled her passion to help others.
Now involved in various associations and as a freelance speaker, she empowers the African diaspora through education and community-building. Vera also provides anti-racism trainings and consultations to organizations and government entities.
Sompon Services BW Website here
Chapel reloaded with Unicom Art Mob
After several years of renovation, the Chapel opened it doors to the public thanks to a group of cultural activists FKK (Factory of Art and Culture) and their supporters. This group aims to promote the arts and to create a space for creativity. The reopening was celbrated with an art mob by UNICOM.
Fabrik für Kunst und Kultur – Chapel/Krypta Website here
Thai-German high school exchange
Thai and German high school students visit the radiofips studios and talk about their experiences and expectations of going abroad as well as cultural differences under this year’s umbrella theme exploring stereotypes. Accompanied by Frau Sonnentag, Thai students from Princess Chulabhorn Science High School in Phitsanulok and German students from Freihof Gymnasium in Göppingen talk about their experiences and expectations regarding the exchange.
After several years of halting travel due to Covid, all are exited to resume this initiative in 2023 which began in 2011 and resulted in 2013, 2015 and 2018 trips.
Background: Initiated through a personal acquaintance between a Thai and German teacher, contact was made with Chulabhorn Science High School in Phitsanulok, a city about 380 km north of Bangkok. The school is a boarding school with a focus on science.
English is the language of communication between the German and Thai students.
Blog here
Hasina Azizi , Women’s Rights in Afghanistan
Refuge, activism and migration are themes that we touch on in our talk. 📣
Hasina is a known activist, working for several NGOs including the United Nations and the Women’s corp peace of Afghanistan. 📖Education has been important in her family. Being one of very few women from her village Nimrus she received a scholarship allowing her to study abroad in India to gain an international degree. Once she began her career she helped to support her family and simultaneously founded a vocational training facilty for women specialized in weaving. 🧶🧵This start up provided job opportunities to women in need (Baluchi handmade products).
A tale of resistance, she recalls the harrowing escape from Afghanistan once the Taliban regained power. Eventually escaping to a humanitarian city camp in Abudabi. Initially, told she would only be there for two weeks, she finally could migrate to Germany six months later.
Hasina continues to advocate for women who are no longer permitted to attend school after the age of 6, are no longer permitted to work and have been dashed from almost all forms of public life.
Women of Afghanistan – Amensty International Petition here
#Culture #womensrights
3rd World Women’s Conference in Tunisia
In this edition Bercin Üstün, European representative from Bethnahrain Frauen Union for Women and Renate Mutschler, speaker of the women’s council of Göppingen and long time member of Frauenverband Courage join us.
Both were part of the Göppingen delegation and recount their impressions of the 3rd World Women’s Conference in Tunisia, where women from 42 different countries attended.
“We are women, we are strong” is the motto of this year’s women’s conference.
International solidarity, environment and climate change as well as systemic and structural friction are all part of our discussion.
Above this the local action days include: 8th March – International women’s day, 11th November – Day for the elimination of violence against women, Various demos for the people of Iran
WWC Website here
#Culture #womensrights
Grüße ins Jahr 2023!
Liebe Freundinnen und Freunde der Kultur,
Das alte Jahr geht zu Ende und ein neues beginnt, ich möchte euch von ganzem Herzen für die Zusammenarbeit und die gemeinsame Zeit bedanken. Mit Schwung, Geist und Freude und vor allem mit menschlicher Liebe wünsche ich euch viel Erfolg im neuen Jahr. Ganz herzlichen Dank für euren Beitrag im Kleinen und Großen als wertvolles Mitglied unserer interkulturellen Gemeinschaft, von der ich gerne ein Teil bin.
Ich freue mich darauf, euch bald im neuen Jahr wiederzusehen.
Dear friends of culture,
The old year ends and a new one begins, I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for the cooperation and time spent together. With verve, spirit and joy and above all with human compassion, I wish you much success in the new year. Thank you very much for your contribution in ways small and large as a valuable member of our intercultural community, of which I am glad to be a part.
I look forward to our further connections in the new year.
Famoe, Rap & Hip-Hop Artist
Fabiano Monsanto, better known as rapper Famoe talks about his pathway towards rap and hip-hop. Beginning as a love of hip-hop dancing, Famoe soon entered the world of talent contests, bringing him to explore the genre and culture further; eventually releasing several English rap albums unter US and UK labels.
Famoe has reenterred the stage taking on new colloaborative projects, after a pause due to artistic disagreements with management. Since then, Famoe began his own lable Rap & Rymes Record. Passion and authenticity are core values which he brings to his all of his work, resulting unique colloaborations: including soundtracks for film and graphic novels. We discuss his Italian background growing up in southern Germany as well as touring and musical scene abroad.
Famoe Website here
10. Kultur-Nacht is finally here!
Am 25. Juni 2022 findet endlich wieder eine Göppinger Kultur-Nacht statt. Viele Kulturfreunde unter Ihnen warten daher sicherlich sehnsüchtig darauf, die kulturelle Vielfalt unserer Stadt wieder in einem kompakten, eine Nacht dauernden Format erleben zu können. Auch aus diesem Grund freuen wir uns sehr, gemeinsam eine besondere, nämlich die 10. Göppinger Kultur-Nacht feiern zu können.
Hier können Sie was erleben! Wann sonst bietet sich je die Gelegenheit, in einer langen Nacht eine solche Vielfalt an Musik, Ausstellungen, Aktionskunst und mehr zu entdecken. Busse bringen die Kultur-Nacht-Schwärmerinnen und -Schwärmer von einem Ort zum andern – in diesem Jahr zu mehr Stationen als je zuvor: 32 an der Zahl! Die vielen Akteure haben sich extra für diese Nacht Programme ausgedacht, die sowohl erfahrenen Besucher*innen als auch neuen, neugierigen Unternehmungslustigen Spaß machen dürften.
Neben den gewohnten Eintrittsbändern, die an allen Stationen und im ipunkt im Rathaus erhältlich sind, kann man in diesem Jahr bereits im Online-Vorverkauf Tickets für die Göppinger Kultur-Nacht kaufen. So können Sie die Nacht der Nächte ganz entspannt auf sich zukommen lassen!
Wir wünschen Ihnen jede Menge Spaß und Inspiration bei der 10. Göppinger Kultur-Nacht!
Weitere Einzelheiten zu den Buslinien und allen 32 Stationen finden Sie unter dem folgenden Link: kultur-nacht.de
Link to event information here
Leo Theo, costume designer textile art
Leonidas Theodoridis, known under the lable Leo Theo is our guest on the latest program of English Breakfast. He came by to discuss his journey to creating singular pieces as well as his approach.
A wide variety from classical and historical costume designs for theater to avant guarde garments and assessories.
His collections have themes including greek mythology or the more recent collection created and modelled for during lockdown entitled Voodoo.
Leonidas Theodoridis resides in Göppingen and was raised in a middle-class Greek family who were first and second-generation immigrants in Germany. As a teenager, he developed a passion for drawing, often spending hours on sketching, for which he received several prizes, awards.
His peices have also displayed in the cultural center of Ofloannian, Greece
Want to catch a glimpse: In the evening of 25.05.2022 Leo Theo will be presenting at the Kultur-Nacht Göppingen in the historical city church (Stadtkirche).
Teo Leo Website here
Alex Maier, Wegekompass 2035 Göppingen
Alex Maier, Göppingen mayor explains the Wege Kompass: a pathway forward involving citizen participation in working towards the global sustainability goals on the local level. (Bürgerbeteiligung)
Since our last meeting, we talk about how the Covid-Pandemic effected his initial policy plans. Immunisation busses and installing testing stations were some of the first crisis management policies.
The Wege Kompass invloves working on common goals in four areas: Municipal framework conditions, Ecology and environment, Economy and employment, Social – affordable housing / interculture.
Digitalisation and interculture and open debating culture are also topics adressed in our chat.
Alex stated that as „Stadt der Vielfalt“ – art, music, culture and enjoying different perspecitves is a chance to broaden our own horizon.
Stadt Land Bund Podcast here
Martina Ürek, children’s book author
Martina Ürek, introduces her latest book „An was glaubst Du? (What do you believe?). She muses about her love of books as to how as a child spending hours in the library inspired her to later working in a bookstore and study journalism. Among other stations, she freelanced as a journalist for the local NWZ paper. Belief and culture are also themes in our conversation. Her Aramaic roots and ties to the Syrian-Orthodox Church from Antiochien has played a role in her appreciation of diversity at the same time focusing on the similarities which bring us together. Discussed books: An was glaubst Du? Fridolin will singen lernen.
Martina Ürek FB here
Yeama, singer songwriter, EP release: Real Identity
Listeners are in for a treat! After seeing Yeama perform live on the Summer Stage hosted by Forum der Kulturen in Stuttgart, I couldn’t hpe but ask her to join me at the radiofips studios for a chat. Good timing in that she used the lock down period to dedicate hershelf towards her passion project resulting in a solo EP. Neo-soul, pop with jazz influence, we listen to some of the music which has inspired her but inquire into her artistic process and the meaning behind her songs. In summary: a voice which needs to be heard.
Yeama Music here
Season’s Greetings
As the year comes to an end it is time to pause and reflect. Thank you for joining us each week to discover and hear about my inspiring, unique and thoughtful guests. Mery Christams Happy Hanukka, Happy Kwanzaa, Happy Holidays Feliz Navidad, Joyeux Noel.
Father Angelo Ungebu, Freunde für Nigeria- Enyioma
For this year’s Christmas show, we greet Pastor Angelo Ungebu, a Catholic Priest practicing at Christkönig Church Göppingen. Angelo talks of traditions, history, food, and way of life in Nigeria and touches on his German and Belgium experiences. Inspired to save lives and encouraged by parish members, he founded a health center project with Freunde für Nigeria – Enyioma in 2013. Still, in the beginning stages, they hope to provide sustainable long-term solutions and be a model for other projects in similar areas. If you would like to become a donor or gift a membership, please look to our guest links below.
Freunde für Nigeria – Enyioma here
Estledaire, South African Singer Songwriter
Tanya Mátéfi, South African singer-songwriter introduces her debut CD under the name of Estledaire entitled „Under My Hat“. In collaboration with Axel Nagel and Armin Otto, she decided to follow her passion for music. Inspired by the landscapes of South Africa, childhood memories, and her Christian beliefs, „Under my hat“ is the result of deep friendships through music. A mix of Scottish, Celtic, and folk sounds. Andy Kremmer partnered as a sound mixer. Most recently, she performed during the Africa Fest at the Chapel Fabrik für Kunst und Kultur.
Estledaire hereKunst findet Stadt – Art Action with Duo Sourati
„Kunst findet Stadt“ is the art action event organized by the Kunsthalle Göppingen. Guest moderator Jana offers insights of the creation process of this 5 day event as she speaks with curator Eva Paulitsch. The artist duo Sourati also offers background into their approach and impressions on location. Jana also also speaks to visitors of the event.
Kunsthalle here
AMICA – Human Rigths are Women’s Rights
Dr. Gabriele Michel, president of human rights orgization discusses the role of women as the agents of change and peacemaking. This Freiburg based group has activitites in Bosnia-Herzegowina, Kosovo, Palistine, Chechechnia, Libia and Lebanon, offering medical and psychological support, as well as education; helping women rebuild themselves and these societies.
Aimca here
Interkulturelle Wochen, We hear from a variety of event organizers about what to expect in this extensive event series which runs from 23. September until 10. October. Valuing diversity, cultural exchange, and creating new experiences – everything from film, art exhibitions, podium discussion, and culinary delights. Here there is something for everyone. Please note that hygiene and safety measures (such as 3G and data collection) are put in place.
This tradition celebrates its 26 year anniversary. We are so thrilled! The whole program you can find on the Göppingen city page. lnterkulturelle Wochen here
Jahja Gashi, Chair of the Albanian Cultural Club „Mutter Teresa“ joins us as our latest guest in celebration of their 30 year anniversary. Valuing cultural exchange and experiences he also believes in modern and practical solutions.
Susanne Horzinek, a unique individual marking her own path. Originally from the country previously known as Yugoslavia, she came to Germany as a young girl to be reunited with her father who had come to Germany as a so-called „guest worker“. Admiring her father’s craftmanship as a glassblower, she at a young age was drawn to hairdressing by seeing the transformation of customers‘ mood and appearance at a local hair salon. Already at 10 years of age, she had made the decision. Among other stations, she went to London to continue studying new methods, trends, and technologies at Vidal Sasson academy. Sustainability, nature and animal rights brought her to create „Fair Hair“ which uses healthy alternatives to regular dyes. She also became a member of Coiffeur Justes, which recycles hair to restore ocean and other waters from pollution from toxins such as oil spills. Fair Hair here
Claudia & Hans Stöckle reflect on the beauty of Nepal and its people in this latest episode. Working with Doctors without Borders, Hans first went to Nepal was over 10 years ago. Now the couple has been back seven times. Wonderous mountains and welcoming people are how they describe this special place. A pediatrician and child neurologist, Hans mentored medical personal with the vision of empowering local medical staff. Claudia visited to travel and also offers her physiotherapy knowledge in training and assisting locals. Nepal Hilfe Funding Drive. Nepal, already a low-resource country with poor infrastructure, continues to suffer severely due to the COVID pandemic. Many inhabitants living hand to mouth. Families have been hit hard due to heavy restrictions and most of their income being tied to tourism. There connection to the country and hearing of the situation Claudia and Hans have been able to help many families during the first wave through local Trekking Guide Temba, providing them with cooking equipment and foods such as rice and lentils. Now things have become even more challenging due to the recent landslide Claudia and Hans have begun a funding drive Nepal Hilfe. Temba continues to provide local aid to families delivering food and supplies. For more information about donating or recent activities contact hans.stoeckle@gmail.com
Nour Darwisch shares his passion for music and introduced us to his traditional instrument the Oud. In our talk, Nour recalls some of his musical highlights to date and his message of understanding between cultures. In a quick time in his newfound country, he has experienced several collaborations blending European and oriental styles. The Oud is considered the grandfather of many other string instruments such as guitar and saz.
Lady Glass Tea Louise Glas otherwise know as Lady Glass tea spreads the inspiration of her love o tea. Philippine-born, now living in Germany, she craved the still moments and wisdom of good tea. At a loss for the quality of tea, she knew in her early life, Louise decided to get licensed and now sources her own tea blends. The art of tea as well as her romantic associations with the different types of tea PersonalitTEAs are discussed as well as her online tea parties. For more information about her tea parties or tea, assortment visit her shop The Lady Glass here
Rukiye Cankiran Author and journalist Rukiye Cankiran presents her new book entitled „Das geraubte Glück“ (stolen happiness). This non-fiction work explores topics such as child and forced marriage in the overall context of violence against women. What is unique about her research is a deep look into families dynamics, social and societal expectations, and their intersections. Her fieldwork (over 20 years working in social work and over 10 years in immigrant and women’s issues) are the foundations shedding light on the complexity of these issues. Rukiye’s visit was organized in cooperation with the Migrantinnen Verein (a women’s organization whose aim is to support the empowerment of Turkish-speaking women).
For more information about Rukiye’s activities visit her page Rukiye Cankiran here
Celebrating UNESCO World Radio Day 2021 | Journée mondiale de la Radio | Día Mundial de la Radio | Всемирный День Радио | 世界广播日 | اليوم العالمي للإذاعة Join us as we celebrate 10th anniversary of World Radio Day. Solution and I chat about this year’s theme “ New World. New Radio.“ For over 110 years today radio is an integral part of our world as it continues to evolve, and connect.
International and world music and some reflection on how our programming has changed over the years in showing a diversity of perspectives are all in the mix. Want to participate? Join our poll on what radio means to you on our community social media pages.
The End Game Band Our guests this week are Andy Yarahmadi (arrangements), Shahram Ghaerdi (vocals), and Jochen Steinert (bass) of The End Game Band, who visited the radiofips Studio. A combination of Persian pop, rock, and blues, this young group has already produced several songs. Not only a multicultural band with members having American, Persian, German, and Romanian backgrounds but also across borders in that Iranian lyricist Eyas Mahmoodinia collaborated from abroad.
In picture: Joachim Steinert, Shahram Ghaedi. Andy Yarahmadi
Other members: Mani Ghiasi, Shobeir Sheida, Marius Baniceru, Mehrdad Nekouei, Elyas Mahmoodinia
Haknalka Péter from LAKVAR Our guest this week is Hajnalka Péter, cofounder and singer of LAKVAR, who visited the radiofips studio. Taking us on her musical journey. Breaking away from cliches, she discusses her need for collaboration and a new era of music that builds on impressions and the sharing of responsibility for one another.
We discuss her musical beginnings and the influence of her Hungarian-Bulgarian background.
Collaboration and interaction seem essential to this artist’s raison d’etre, which is also apparent in her recollection of her earlier visit to Aleppo and the deep impression the people left with her.
With a strong respect for traditional elements and music, she is fearless in her art … breaking away and expressing powerful rawness at one moment, and a childlike tenderness at the next.
The latest release “Sabotage and Tradition” with LAKVAR she cofounded with Georgian composer and guitarist Zura Dzagnidze. Other diverse members include Hungarian jazz bass player Péter Papesch, Bulgarian Türkisch percussionist Tayfun Ates, German jazz violin player Florian Vogel and Italian drummer Santino Scavelli.
LAKVAR has already received many accolades, and rightfully so, including place 5 on the Balkan charts and nomination for the Deutsche Schallplatten Kritik. More about LAKVAR here
Of course, we also talk about her other projects including Evas Äpfel Ensemble with traditional music created by women. More here
Also, the collaborative Women of Music WOM where women share knowledge and network. Also how WOM is now extending its borders to collaborate with talent in countries such as Hungary. More here
An international Christmas special with sustainability tips for the New Year!
No doubt that this has been a trying year, as we readjust to a new reality. Never has it been so clear that our world is connected. We take a moment to review and rejoice in all that is good and celebrate the holiday season. With international holiday sounds and tips on being more sustainable in the new year,
Let’s continue to take care of one another. Wishing you peace and happiness for the New Year.
The sustainability Advents Challenge is here! 2020 has been a year full of challenges due to the COVID virus and its subsequent health and safety measures.
Even in our current isolation, never has it been so clear that our world is connected. Our daily actions impact our local communities, but also touch others worldwide and and influence the next generation. Agenda 2030 works on many of the bigger themes affecting our world. Our local Göppingen group has put together a sustainability challenge for the advent season. Feel free to join in!
Im Gespräch mit Alexander Maier beim English Breakfast
Wie viele von euch bereits wissen sind die Interkulturellen Wochen jetzt um. Doch das Thema Interkultur bleibt stetig aktuell. Alexander Maier, einer der diesjährigen Oberbürgermeister Kandidaten, kam deshalb zum Englisch Breakfast ins Studio 1 und wir haben zusammen über das Thema Interkultur gesprochen.
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English Breakfast crew
“Fostering communication and creating bridges” between people and cultures is what drives me in all of my actions. Specialization: culture, inter-culture, arts scene. Producer and radio host, on-location reporting, event organization and stage moderation.